who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio?

[123], The Othello story became the rock opera Catch My Soul in 1968, depicting Othello as a charismatic religious cult leader, Desdemona as a naive convert, and Iago as a malcontent cult member who thinks himself to be Satan. As such, "undesirable" qualities such as cruelty, treachery, jealousy and libidinousness were seen as qualities possessed by "the other". Cassio. Provide at least three situations thus far where jealousy comes into play. Gillies, 2008, p.271 (in turn citing the 1982 reprint of. When the clown leaves, Iago enters and tells Cassio that he will send for Emilia straightaway . Roderigo unsuccessfully attacks Cassio in the street after Cassio leaves Bianca's lodgings, as Cassio wounds Roderigo. [73], A "singular and idiosyncratic"[74] performance of a white actor in the central role was Jude Kelly's "photonegative" production for the Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, D.C. in 1997, in which Patrick Stewart played Othello as white, while almost all other speaking parts were played by actors of African descent.[75]. If you look carefully at what Iago says to Brabantio, and the kind of animal sexual imagery he uses, he is deliberately stirring up Brabantio to cause problems for Othello. [98] The film was critically panned on its 1955 release (headlines included "Mr Welles Murders Shakespeare in the Dark" and "The Boor of Venice") but was acclaimed as a classic upon its re-release in a restored version in 1992. In act 3, scene 3, Iago suggests to Othello that it is suspicious that Desdemona, a white woman, did not try to marry a white man, somebody of "her own clime (and) complexion," but instead chose . What reason does Iago give for his hatred of Othello. Latest answer posted April 07, 2021 at 11:18:50 AM. Buhler, Stephen M., "Musical Shakespeares: Attending to Ophelia, Juliet, and Desdemona" in Shaughnessy, Robert (ed.) Brabantio took it to the Duke and the Duke said there was nothing wrong. For the board game, see. Desdemona's consent, which would be illegal if true. Related questions Why. "Tis not a year or two shows us a man. Iago, still in the room, takes note of Brabantio's remark. [66] Earle Hyman saw the production numerous times when he was 17 and later recalled "this tremendous excitement - the first African-American onstage to be playing this role to all the blacks, he represented us. Cassio, Iago and others arrive at the scene of Desdemona's murder. Iago promises him that he hates Othello too and that eventually the marriage between Othello and Desdemona will fail. what are the traits of a sarcastic person. Desdemona's physical whiteness is otherwise presented in opposition to Othello's dark skin: 5.2 "that whiter skin of hers than snow". Passers-by arrive to help; Iago joins them, pretending to help Cassio. 1. who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? What is the setting at the start of the play? There are those who also take a less critical approach to the character of Othello such as William Hazlitt, who said: "the nature of the Moor is noble but his blood is of the most inflammable kind". 24. Note what he tells Othello about Brabantio: And spoke such scurvy and provoking terms. 23. her insistence might later be misinterpreted by Othello. The fact that it was Iago who incited Roderigo and led the coarse allegations against Othello and Desdemona, though hidden from view so he could not be recognised, makes Iago's show of indignation and loyalty here one of the earliest signs of his double-dealing and villainy. Brabantio has no option but to accompany Othello to the Duke's residence, where he accuses Othello of seducing Desdemona by witchcraft. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. From his first entry, slender and magnificently tall, framed in a high Byzantine arch, clad in white samite, mystic, wonderful, a figure of Arabian romance and grace, to his last plunging of the knife into his stomach, Mr Marshall rode without faltering the play's enormous rhetoric, and at the end the house rose to him. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. McKernan, Luke and Terris, Olwen (eds.) Roderigo wants desdemona. Everyone says Othello is lucky to wed the daughter of the rich Brabantio, except Othello. The Governor arrives, with Iago and others, and Emilia begins to explain the situation. Wells, Stanley (ed.) During the scuffle, Iago comes from behind Cassio and badly cuts his leg. 2. Iago asks Emilia to steal it. [62], The most significant theatre production in wartime America featured Paul Robeson as Othello. Scenes in the final movie were sometimes spliced together from one actor filmed in Italy in one year, and another actor filmed in Morocco the next. [107], The last of the screen versions to portray Othello in blackface was Jonathan Miller's for the BBC Television Shakespeare series, with Anthony Hopkins in the title role. Miller is said to have commented that "the play is about jealousy, not race. When Iago uses the word Barbary or Barbarian to refer to Othello, he seemingly refers to the Barbary coast inhabited by Berbers. Who will be bringing desdemona to othello after he leaves for the war? -The villain in Othello, in love with Desdemona, gullible, fool for Iago to use, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. 1. What is the effect of Iago sharing his plans with the audience? Asked by lupita g #405696. But by planting the seed "The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare and Popular Culture", Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. At first enraged by Desdemona's elopement with Othello, he does eventually grant a grudging blessing to their marriage. who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe. ", Doris Adler, "The Rhetoric of Black and White in Othello" Shakespeare Quarterly, 25 (1974), Singh, Jyotsna "Post-colonial criticism" pp. affair, Othello might consider that he had a motive for saying so. Desdemona's maid reveals that Iago made her set up false evidence that led Othello to his tragic incorrect conclusion. "An Oxford Guide: Shakespeare", Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. Lois Whitney, "Did Shakespeare Know Leo Africanus? List all of the negative comments or words Brabantio uses to describe othello? Othello, crushed by having allowed Iago to lead him to ruin, gives a final speech and commits suicide with his dagger. There is no consensus over Othello's ethnic origin. [26] Regardless of what Shakespeare intended by calling Othello a "Moor" whether he meant that Othello was a Muslim or a black man or both in the 19th century and much of the 20th century, many critics tended to see the tragedy in racial terms, seeing interracial marriages as "aberrations" that could end badly. Iago thus tries, unsuccessfully, to stir up Othello's anger against Brabantio in teh same way that he has already successfully achieved this goal with Brabantio in Act I scene 1. Iago warns Othello about Brabantio's anger, but Othello is confident in his own strength and in his love for Desdemona. By order of the Duke, Othello leaves Venice to command the Venetian armies against invading Turks on the island of Cyprus, accompanied by his new wife, his new lieutenant Cassio, his ensign Iago, and Iago's wife, Emilia, as Desdemona's attendant. What are some quotes that reveal Othello's low self esteem? Iago is jealous that Othello had chosen Cassio to be his lieutenant and not him. Another example is when Iago state, "What, man, there are ways to/ recover the general again" (2.3.259-260). used some magic (sort of a precursor to a date-rape drug) to get Latest answer posted May 07, 2021 at 8:11:46 AM. Asked by lupita g #405696. It makes the audience unwilling co-conspirators. Othello confronts a sleeping Desdemona. Othello blames Cassio for the disturbance and strips him of his rank. The first professional acting appearance by a woman on the English stage was that of Desdemona in Othello on 8th December 1660, although history does not record who took the role. Earle Hyman interviewed by Michael A. Morrison 9 April 1999 cited in Morrison, 2002, p.252. Iago plants it in Cassio's lodgings as evidence of Cassio and Desdemona's affair. Iago and Roderigo go together to Brabantio to tell him that his daughter has eloped with Othello. [116] The 1956 Jubal resets the story as a Western, centered on the Cassio character. o What does Iago tell Othello about Venetian women and why does he remind him of . What do they tell him that makes Brabantio angry? Why? This attracted Daileader, Celia B. Everyone says Othello is lucky to wed the daughter of the rich Brabantio, except Othello. She will "change for youth," Iago tells Roderigo, and that youth will be Roderigo, if he is patient. How does Iago convince Othello that Desdemona is cheating? Fortunately Accessed 4 Mar. who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? Already a member? As such it has surviving arrangements from both before and after Shakespeare's time. that Othello is not even aware that it is Iago that is telling him Answers: 1. In contrast, Kean presented Othello as a man of romantic temperament, and uncontrollable passion. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. wife Desdemona had been cheating on him with his former lieutenant 150174, at pp. Cassio. Emilia, unaware of what Iago plans to do with the handkerchief, steals it. By emphasizing Roderigo's failed bid for Desdemona, and his own dissatisfaction with serving under Othello, Iago convinces Roderigo to wake Brabantio, Desdemona's father, and tell him about his daughter's elopement. Asked by lupita g #405696. Latest answer posted May 07, 2021 at 8:11:46 AM. Desdemona said that she loves Othello and the Duke thinks that there is no problem with the marriage. [106] Subsequent critics have been less sympathetic to Olivier's performance than his contemporary audience had been, tending to read it as racist. "An Oxford Guide: Shakespeare". While Shakespeare's play was written only a few years afterwards, Honigmann questions the view that ben Messaoud himself was a significant influence on it. Log in here. -General of the armies of Venice Everyone comes back to life and bows to the audience, who are weeping and applauding. [47], Paul Robeson's iconic performance (see 20th Century, below) was not the first professional performance of the title role by a black actor: the first known is James Hewlett at the African Grove Theatre, New York, in 1822. Our pick. Iago gets Cassio drunk, gets Roderigo to pick a fight with Cassio, and then convinces Othello that Cassio started the fight. No because Othello is the best general they have. [70], When Laurence Olivier gave his acclaimed performance of Othello at the Royal National Theatre in 1964, he had developed a case of stage fright that was so profound that when he was alone onstage, Frank Finlay (who was playing Iago) would have to stand offstage where Olivier could see him to settle his nerves. If Iago had told Othello right out that they were having an [112] The overall effect was to create, in Douglas Brode's words "the tragedy of Iago" - a performance in which Iago's dominance is such that Othello is a foil to him, not the other way around. But his blessing never seems heartfelt, and he dies of grief shortly after their departure for Cyprus (and before any of the tragedies of the play occur). eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. -well respected by all, -Othello's ensign Iago refuses to explain his motives, vowing to remain silent from that moment on. Brabantio insults Othello when he accuses him of witchcraft, and his warning to the Moor, She has deceived her father, and may thee (I.3.294) strikes a sour note. He passed him over for promotion and he thinks Othello slept with his wife. In this Shakespearean world, Othello could be applauded for his great triumphs at war but he certainly couldnt marry a white mans daughter. Cassio, distraught, is then persuaded by Iago to ask Desdemona to persuade her husband to reinstate him. Othello proceeds to make Desdemona's life a misery, hitting her in front of her family. Why might Shakespeare choose to begin Othello in the middle of a conversation between Iago and Roderigo? Iago and Rodrigo waited outside a brothel where OMG, the dead Roderigo has left a letter fully incriminating the villainous Iago, who is led away to what we assume is torture and a gruesome death. Lester and Kinnear shared Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Actor[77] and Kinnear won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor. Iago goads Cassio on to talk about his affair with Bianca, without mentioning her name; because no name is mentioned, Othello thinks that Cassio is referring to Desdemona. Although everyone, including Othello, believes that Iago is a loyal and devoted friend, Iago understands the strategic advantage that false friendship gives him. [49], Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Othello was regarded as the most demanding of Shakespeare's roles: it is considered a part of theatre legend that Edmund Kean collapsed while playing the role, and died two months after. [51] Before Kean, the leading exponent of the role had been John Philip Kemble who played a "neoclassical hero". What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe? himself. While there Brabantio tells the Duke that his daughter is marrying a black man. . [80][81], In June 2016, baritone and actor David Serero played the title role in a Moroccan adaptation featuring Judeo-Arabic songs and Verdi's opera version in New York. who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? By telling Othello that Brabantio has been talking negatively about him behind his back, Iago tries to gain Othello's trust so when he puts his plan into action. Cassio arrives with orders for Othello: Othello is to meet with the duke and senators of Venice about a Turkish invasion of the Venetian colony of Cyprus. OTHELLO Never, [Iago. What is Iago's plan and purpose in act 1, scene 3 of Othello? and Lodovico appoints Cassio as Othello's successor and exhorts him to punish Iago justly. Then Iago convinces Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are having a love affair behind his back. Next, Iago sneaks away to find Othello and warns him that Brabantio is coming for him.However, before Brabantio reaches Othello, news arrives in Venice that the Turks are going to attack Cyprus; therefore Othello is summoned to advise the senators. Possibly the most heinous villain in Shakespeare, Iago is fascinating for his most terrible characteristic: his utter lack of convincing motivation for his actions. [76], In summer 2013, the Royal National Theatre produced the play with Adrian Lester in the title role and Rory Kinnear as Iago. She denies being unfaithful, but he smothers her. [4] This is not incompatible with the suggestion that the Quarto is based on an early version of the play, whilst the Folio represents Shakespeare's revised version. "Oxford Shakespeare Topics: Shakespeare in the Theatre An Anthology of Criticism", Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. A pattern emerged where Welles would collect his cast and crew for filming, then after four or five weeks his money would run out and filming would cease: Welles would then appear in another movie, and using his acting fee would reconvene filming. [64] Margaret Webster's 1943 Broadway production was considered a theatrical landmark, with Robeson (in the words of Howard Barnes) "making the Moor the great and terrible figure of tragedy which he has so rarely been on the stage. "[108], Oliver Parker's 1995 Othello was trailed as an "erotic thriller", including a ritualized love scene between Othello and Desdemona, and, most memorably, Othello's jealous fantasies of encounters between Desdemona and Cassio. / They eat us hungrily, and eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. He means Roderigo loves Desdemona and Othella has her. [22] Singh argued that, since people with dark complexions are common in the Mediterranean area, a Venetian senator like Brabantio being opposed to Desdemona marrying Othello for merely being swarthy makes no sense, and that the character of Othello was intended to be black. 175198, at p.186. The identity of the 'him' is a little ambiguous. Can you cash out a life insurance policy before death? Iago decides that because Othello picked Cassio over him he is going to go tell Barbantio that his daughter is dating a black man. In particular, the part of Othello is a main subject of his book Creating a Role. Iago decides that because Othello picked Cassio over him he is going to go tell Barbantio that his daughter is dating a black man. "Nude Shakespeare in Film and Nineties Popular Feminism" in Alexander, Catherine M. S. and Wells, Stanley "Shakespeare and Sexuality" Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp.183-200 at pp.190-192. Brabantio (sometimes called Brabanzio) is a character in William Shakespeare's Othello (c. 1601-1604). Iago helps Cassio arrange a secret meeting with Desdemona. Iago tells him to get Desdemona to plead on his behalf. Brabantio doesnt want Desdemona to marry Othello because he is racist. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Who were the models in Van Halen's finish what you started video? Taylor, Gary "Shakespeare Plays on Renaissance Stages" in Wells, Stanley and Stanton, Sarah (eds.) He is a Venetian senator and the father of Desdemona. Cassio is distraught, but Iago persuades him to importune Desdemona to act as an intermediary between himself and Othello, and persuade her husband to reinstate him.Iago now persuades Othello to be suspicious of Cassio and Desdemona. The Duke calls Othello to get ready to leave and prepare to fight the Turks who are planning an attack on them. Othello was so enraged that he ordered Iago to go and slay Log in here. [94] All Night Long reframes the story in a jazz milieu. What are some quotes that demonstrate Iago's manipulations in Othello? Show all. [17][18] E. A. J. Honigmann, the editor of an Arden Shakespeare edition, concluded that Othello's race is ambiguous. 23. It was a moment of great pride."[67]. [115], Other adaptations of Shakespeare's story to be filmed include Franco Zeffirelli's 1986 film of Verdi's Otello. Unfortunately for many, living conditions\underline{conditions}conditions were unhealthy and unsuitable. Iago portrays Desdemona as lustful, desperate to trade Othello for a more refined Cassio. [1] Desdemona is the only named character in Cinthio's tale, with his few other characters identified only as the "Moor", the "Squadron Leader", the "Ensign", and the "Ensign's Wife" (corresponding to the play's Othello, Cassio, Iago, and Emilia). Latest answer posted February 06, 2021 at 2:05:38 PM. Iago knowing Cassio being alive was not [9][10], Another possible source was the Description of Africa by Leo Africanus. B. Albanese, Denise "Black and White and Dread All Over: The Shakespeare Theatre's "Photonegative" Othello and the Body of Desdemona" in Callaghan, Dympna (ed.) Iago kills Roderigo so he can't tell anyone that Iago put him up to the murder attempt. What are some quotes that demonstrate Iago's manipulations in Othello? [120] And the first decade of the 21st-Century saw two non-English language film adaptations: Alexander Abela's French Souli set the story in a modern-day Madagascan fishing village, and Vishal Bhardwaj's Hindi Omkara amidst political violence in modern Uttar Pradesh.[121]. [55] Salvini always played the role in Italian, even when acting alongside a company performing in English. the Duke is not a racist and believes Othello and Desdemona when [7] Cinthio's tale has been described as a "partly racist warning" about the dangers of miscegenation. The identity of the 'him' is a little ambiguous. Othello orders a general celebration and leaves to consummate his marriage with Desdemona. One by one they were all becoming shades. 120 at p.4. Written by William Shakespeare. Its opening track (itself titled Such Sweet Thunder, a quotation from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream)[134] came to stand for Othello telling his tales of travel and adventure to Desdemona, as reported in the play's first act. Enter a Melbet promo code and get a generous bonus, An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. What is the meaning of the following quote from Shakespeare's play Othello? Brabantio (sometimes called Brabanzio) is a character in William Shakespeares Othello (c. 16011604). When Othello mentions the handkerchief as proof, Emilia realizes what Iago has done, and she exposes him. Gross, John "Shakespeare's Influence" in Wells, Stanley and Orlin, Lena Cowen (Eds.) How does this relate to what happens later? Based on its style, the play is usually dated 1603 or 1604, but arguments have been made for dates as early as 1601 or 1602. Emilia arrives, and Desdemona defends her husband before dying, and Othello accuses Desdemona of adultery. [133], Othello was, with Antony and Cleopatra, one of the two plays which most influenced Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn's jazz suite Such Sweet Thunder. eNotes Editorial, 17 Apr. who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? Othello explains that, while he was invited to Brabantio's home, Desdemona became enamoured of him for the sad and compelling stories he told of his life before Venice, not because of any witchcraft. He then denounces Iago for his actions and leaves to tell the others what has happened. [37][38] Moorish characters were conventionally played in turbans, with long white gowns and red trousers, with the actor's face darkened with lampblack or coal. The other possibility is Roderigo. Where are they going at the end of this scene? Lodovico apprehends both Iago and Othello for the murders of Roderigo, Emilia, and Desdemona, but Othello commits suicide. How did Brabantio react to the marriage of Othello and Desdemona in Othello? Because Othello made Cassio his lieutenant, instead of Iago. [86], In 2022, Queensland Theatre staged an adaptation by Jason Klarwein and Jimi Bani, set in the Torres Straits. "[59][60], Stanislavski himself first played Othello in 1896. Desdemona and Iago. Ejiofor, Hiddleston and Fairley all received nominations for Laurence Olivier Awards, with Ejiofor winning. [135][136], Sometimes the order of the play influencing a composer is reversed, as in the appropriations of classical music by filmmakers retelling Othello's story: for example in the film O, in which excerpts from Verdi's Otello are used as a theme for Odin (the Othello character) while modern rap and hip-hop are more associated with the white college students around him. [56] His conception of the role was of a barbarian with savage and passionate instincts concealed by a thick veneer of civilisation. Othello repents of his fit of temper that has caused him to kill his beloved wife. His ensign (iago) because he trusts him When roderigo say he wants to kill himself, what foes iago tell him to do instead? [128], The Willow Song, sung by Desdemona in Act 4 Scene 3,[129] is not an original creation of Shakespeare's, but was already a well-known ballad. When Rodrigo attacked, he missed [6] No English translation of Cinthio was available in Shakespeare's lifetime, and verbal echoes in Othello are closer to the Italian original than to Gabriel Chappuys'[fr] 1584 French translation. Part of the explosion of the Romantic movement in France was a fashion for re-writing English plays as melodrama, including Alfred de Vigny's 1829 Othello adaptation Le More de Venise. Iago or Desdemona?" Later, Bianca accuses Cassio of giving her a second-hand gift which he had received from another lover. who does iago tell othello badmouthed him to brabantio? [126], One of the first full-length plays to be released on vinyl was of the Broadway production starring Paul Robeson, Jos Ferrer and Uta Hagen, issued in 1944. [118] Tim Blake Nelson's basketball-themed teen drama O reset the story at an elite boarding school. [30] Many critics have noted references to demonic possession throughout the play, especially in relation to Othello's seizure, a phenomenon often associated with possession in the popular consciousness of the day. [127] Othello has been performed on at least twelve separate occasions on BBC Radio. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Rodrigo to help him get Desdemona. "The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage" Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. marrying Desdemona. Othello arrives and questions the men as to what happened. It happens at some point in. loon rapper daughter; high school for environmental studies ceeb code; original lynyrd skynyrd members still alive [46], The first professional performances of the play in North America are likely to have been those of the Hallam Company. Othello, belatedly realising Desdemona's innocence, stabs Iago (but not fatally), saying that Iago is a devil, but not before the latter stabs Emilia to death in the scuffle. Brabantio is disgusted that Desdemona would do such a thing and go against what he is telling her. [124][125] Othello is parodied in the form of a rap song in the stage show The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged). Menu vscode compare with clipboard. Last updated by Aslan on 2/12/2015 6:22 AM Othello What is effective in Othello's first speech of Justification lines 76-94? Cinthio drew a moral (which he placed in the mouth of Desdemona) that it is unwise for European women to marry the temperamental men of other nations. This leads to them fighting one another and Montano being injured. Latest answer posted June 04, 2021 at 12:33:31 AM. Your mind perhaps may change. "The Oxford Shakespeare - The Complete Works" Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2005. Brabantio accuses Othello of using magic and drugs to get Desdemona to love him. Iago and Roderigo awaken him because they want to tell him about Desdemona and Othello being married. "The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage", Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. He is angry that his daughter slipped away during the night to get married; he is angry that she married a Moor and not one of the curled darlings of her nation.. The film was a financial success, and earned Oscar nominations for each of Olivier as Othello, Maggie Smith as Desdemona, Frank Finlay as Iago and Joyce Redman as Emilia. Ellen Terry from "The Story of My Life: Recollections and Reflections" cited in Honigmann & Thompson, 2016 pp. Desdemona laments her suffering, remembering the fate of her mother's maid, who was forsaken by her lover.Iago convinces Roderigo to kill Cassio instead, because Cassio has just been appointed in Othello's place, whereas if Cassio lives to take office, Othello and Desdemona will leave Cyprus, thwarting Roderigo's plans to win Desdemona. Cassio had been meeting Bianca. Sex and Sexual Stories in Othello, Iago's Alter Ego: Race as Projection in Othello, That's She That Was Myself: Not-So-Famous Last Words and Some Ends of Othello, The Adaptation of a Shakespearean Genre: Othello and Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, Theatricality and Textuality: The Example of Othello, Voice Potential: Language and Symbolic Capital in Othello, Act III, Scenes 1-4 Questions and Answers, Explain this quote from act 1, scene 3 ofOthello: "Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see: she has deceived her father and may thee.". [3] Kerrigan suggests that the 1623 Folio version of Othello and a number of other plays may have been cleaned up relative to the Quarto to conform with the 1606 Act to Restrain Abuses, which made it an offence "in any Stage-play, Interlude, Shew, Maygame, or Pageant, iestingly [jestingly], and prophanely [to] speake, or vse the holy Name of God, or of Christ Iesus, or of the holy Ghost, or of the Trinitie".

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